Bill Hague remembers when his
car's book value was higher than his company's net worth. He remembers buying his first forklift. He remembers
the garage where it all started on 1071 S. High in Columbus,
Ohio. Mr. William R. Hague will be the first to admit that the
beginning was humble. Today, Hague is an international leader,
a major company with dealers across the world whose reputation
is linked to the tireless innovation and drive that has marked
Hague's success for over 40 years.
Hague Quality Water
International is one of the leading manufacturers of
residential water treatment equipment in the world. But
we come from humble beginnings.
In the late '50's,
William R. Hague established his own retail water conditioning
dealership in a small office in Columbus, Ohio.
By the
early '70's, his company began manufacturing its own equipment
– better and more reliable that the models he sold previously.
Hague started selling through other dealers, too, establishing
Hague as a regional supplier. Within a few years,
a national sales organization was distributing a full Hague
line. The growing demand prompted the building of a new
manufacturing facility in Groveport, a suburb of Columbus,
Ohio. In the mid '80's, the far-sighted Bill
Hague drove to improve his equipment and grow demand for the
future. Starting from a blank piece of paper, he assembled an
engineering team to design a water treatment system that used
less salt and less water – it would be the world's most
efficient water treatment system. This team
developed a single system that could be configured on an
order-by-order basis to treat many different types of water
and provide dramatic salt and water savings. Thus, a totally
new concept in water treatment was born - a unit that would
clean and conserve water conveniently: The
WaterMax®. The WaterMax is an internationally
recognized leader in the industry and has the accreditation of
the NSF and
the WQA. At the end of the last
century, the manufacturing plant expanded twice and is poised
for continued success and growth. This growth is still
overseen by the founder Bill Hague, which makes Hague the
oldest major company in the industry under continuous
ownership and